Ies-International Electrical Systems

International electrical Systems


Why IES?

IES continues its activities that are continued abroad before 2012 in Turkey since 2012.

It is provided services in the main field of activity as Electrical Contracting by founder partner of company since 2005. IES maintains its services with the specialized staffs in the field of engineering, project management, consultancy, contracting and sale of material for both national and international investors.

IES continues to improve the quality of service with a young and dynamic team, who are keeping up to date with the latest developments in technology.

IES has offered continuous training for its employees, creates opportunities for all employees who is open to innovation and learning.

We have put a strong emphasis on supporting our employees’ ongoing development through both training programs and on the job training development where there is an opportunity to  learn every aspect of a project’s life cycle so everyone understand the intrinsic value of doing their job to the best of their ability creates a better overall project leaving little or nothing to chance.

You can be a member if this dynamic hardworking IES team. 

The resume that you have sent is evaluated based on the current “Open Positions" on our website. If your application is accepted, you will be invited for a job interview.